Hani is from Isla's first litter (by Riker). I meant to keep a girl from this litter, but a fortuitous set of circumstances led to him staying with me. This litter was born on O'ahu and all of the puppies had Hawaiian names. Hani's name means "to move lightly", which seemed to fit him. By the time I accepted that he was meant to stay, his name fit him too well to consider changing.
Hani is everything I could have asked for in a dog. He is a super happy bull-in-the-china shop kind of dog. His tail wags faster than any dog I've ever seen (besides maybe his dad and brother). He does everything I ask of him with gusto. He loves agility and maintains his composure on the course, always waiting for his cues and listening closely. In nosework, he is a little more of his freeform self. He seems to particularly enjoy containers, where he often sprints off the line, jamming his nose into boxes and often using his paws to assist. He has a knack for displacing almost every box/container he searches.
Hani shows no signs of aging. He still acts like a puppy. He is my constant shadow, following me from room to room. He is a super cuddly dog, and would usually prefer my lap/bed to a dog pillow. He's also a dangerous blend of intelligent and mischievous and is the most likely dog to find trouble in the house. He's super treat motivated and eager to offer new behaviors for a reward. He is an overall super fun dog and I feel so lucky to spend life with him!