
CH Olina Clear to Cruise

Charlie was a special puppy from the start! Her litter was whelped and graciously cared for during their first few days at Debbie Stern's home while I was working over seas. Charlie (originally named "Cougar") was part of the Top Gun themed litter. She was the smallest of the eight puppies. It took her awhile, but by the time the puppies hit 8 weeks, she was absolutely thriving and had grown to be one of the largest in the pack. She had a fabulous temperament from the start! She was biddable, smart, happy, trusting, curious, and outgoing. Plus, she was a real trooper with the dremel from day one. I knew I couldn't let her go far! She ended up in a lovely home in Baltimore and I had the pleasure of showing her through her championship. She finished easily, complete with both specialty and supported entry wins. Much like her dam, she is an excellent hunter and inherited a strong prey drive. I was fortunate to have the opportunity to breed her one time. She produced 6 puppies (5 girls, 1 boy).

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